Sleep science in Ayurveda

 Sleep science in Ayurveda


- Should sleep really be so important for staying healthy?

- What changes take place in the body when a person sleeps?

- If there is too much or too little sleep, do some of its bad effects appear on the body?


 What causes sleep? What exactly changes in his body during sleep? Before we get into that, let's look at the definition of sleep as per modern medicine.

Sleep1 is a naturally occurring state of mind and body characterized by altered consciousness relatively inhibited sensory activity, reduced muscle activity, inhibition of nearly all voluntary muscles during REM sleep, and reduced interactions with surroundings.’

        Didn't you fall asleep after reading such a big and complicated definition?

Understanding the definition of sleep above can be complicated most of the time. Although the definition of sleep in modern medical science is perfect, it is difficult for the general public to understand. But look at the skillfully described description contained in only 2 lines of Charakacharya,


 - Charakasamhit Sutrasthan Chapter 21 / Verse 35

When the mind gets tired and the body gets tired too due to hard work all day long, then the five sense organs stop receiving their senses, in such condition person gets sleep. You have to admit that Charakacharya described sleep in the 2nd century BC [more than 2000 years before, OMG…!] in a very effective and simple way.

Sleep is good for the body if it is in the right amount, but if it is too much, it can increase the kapha-meda in the body, causing laziness and obesity.

On the other hand, if the amount of sleep is less than the required amount, then there will be leanness & weakening of the body, improper growth, impotence. The description of the adverse effects of this sleep on the body is very much in line with the observations of modern medicine.

Lack of sleep2 leads to the starting of many diseases like hypertension, heart disease, etc., increases irritability, mental loss, cognitive impairments, reduces the immune system, sexual ability and hence growth suppression and many symptoms like headache, malaise, mania, and even psychosis are seen.


Advantages and disadvantages of sleep-

    Whether you are obese or lean depends on the amount of food you eat, as well as the amount of sleep you get. Both proper diet and sleep are essential for maintaining good health.


 - Charakasamhit Sutrasthan Chapter 21 / Verse 51

Overall, a person with insufficient sleep has to deal with many physical and mental ailments. On the other hand, getting proper sleep has many benefits for the body. The same thing Acharya Charak has described it in two lines of the same verse.


- Charakasamhit Sutrasthan Chapter 21 / Verses 36-38

With proper sleep, a person attains health, happiness, good bodybuilding and strength, good masculinity, proper knowledge and longevity. However, if you do not get proper sleep, you will suffer from various disorders, such as depression, anxiety, lethargy, weakness, loss of appetite, ignorance, and various ailments.

All in all, with the help of various research processes, various investigations, equipment, many difficult, incomprehensible sleep related questions have been posed by Charakacharya in a poetic, skillful, specific point-oriented manner, this is what makes Ayurveda OMG AMAZING AYURVEDA ...!

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Info About Author

Dr. Ninad Nayan Sadvilkar
[Strong supporter, believer, motivator, teacher & practitioner of Ayurveda]
Assistant professor, MES Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Lote, Tal.-Khed, Dist.- Ratnagiri, Maharashtra & 
Owner, Aarogyavardhan Ayurved & panchakarma Treatment Centre, Shop number-1, Sagar plaza, Chiplun

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1. Wikipedia,,and%20reduced%20interactions%20with%20surroundings.
 Brain basics- understanding sleep, National Institute of neurological disorders, and stroke, U.S.
2.  Sleep Disorders and Sleep Deprivation: An Unmet Public Health Problem.

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