How old is Ayurveda?
How old is Ayurveda?
As Ayurveda means the science of life, we can say it began when our ancients needed something to cure diseases. Age of Ayurveda cannot be measured in accurate number because it is a legacy of knowledge which is having roots from Pre-Vedic Period. Classical Ayurveda texts are supposed to be the result of the transmission of medical knowledge from the Gods to sages and then to human physicians.
This transfer of knowledge from sages to human physicians can be lined as below
A. Brihat trayi
[Main trilogy for transfer of Ayurveda Knowledge]
- Charak Samhita, Sushrut Samhita, Ashtang Hridayam
B. Laghoo trayi
[Trilogy of supportive books for transfer of Ayurveda Knowledge]
- Madhavanidan, Sharangdhara Samhita, Bhavaprakasha Nighantoo
A] Ancient period
Before 2500 BCE -
This knowledge in beginning was transferred from one to another only in verbal format.
2500 BCE –
Vedic Period we can see a glimpse of disease, body parts & some herbal medicines in Vedas specially Atharva Veda.
We can see references of Ayurvedic medicines & diseases in Ramayana & Mahabharata too like surgeons attended wounded & disabled in the battlefield.
Around 3rd to 6th century BCE –
With advancements of documentation we find Charak Samhita & Sushrut Samhita [600 BCE] which were considered to be written before 3rd century BCE.
Charak Samhita which we find today is written by combined efforts of Agnivesha + Charaha + Drudhabala.
Sushrut Samhita with combined efforts of Dhanwantari 2nd + Sushrut + Nagarjuna.
These authors are at different times.
[Amazing fact is that, remedies written in these 2200 years old book still shows very promising results in many diseases today also. Ayurvedic students learn same Charak & Sushrut Samhita till date. ๐ฒ]
5th-century ADE -
1st Vagbhata’s Ashtanga Samgraha is considered to be next in chronological order.
7th-century ADE -
Follower of 1st Vagbhat known as Laghoo Vagbhat wrote popular book Ashtanga Hridayam. This book is very much used in Ayurvedic practitioners of Kerala.
B] Medieval period
8th-century ADE-
Madhavakara wrote book Madhava Nidan which is exclusively based on etiological factors, diagnosis, pathogenesis & prognosis of many diseases.
11th-century ADE-
Sharangdhara Samhita was written which is book having various constituents, method of preparation, dose & indications of many medicinal formulations.
16th-century ADE –
Bhavaprakasha Nighantu is considered to be the last famous book from the medieval period which is having knowledge about medicinal plant identification & their medicinal properties.
C] Modern period
Many commentaries were written on books mentioned above in the modern era. Every Ayurveda College is still propagating this wisdom of Ayurveda is among Ayurveda scholars.
Age of Ayurvedic Science is more than 2200 years.Amazingly basic principles, disease patterns & treatment protocol written at that time are still very much useful as they were before.
References –
1. Ancient Science of Life, Vol. I, No.1, July 1981, pages 1-7 ORIGIN AND DEVELOPMENT OF AYURVEDA (A BRIEF HISTORY) V. Narayanaswamy
2. Ayurved Ka Vaidnyanik Itihas by Acharya Priyavrat Sharma, Choukhamba Orientalia, Varanasi.